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Privacy statement

Privacy statement

Our privacy statement explains how and why we collect and use information about our visitors on the website.

On this page you will find information on how we process this data.

Who is responsible for the processing of personal data

Gratanglaks AS is responsible for processing personal data.  

Company info

Gratanglaks AS

Kystkulturveien 1747

9470 Gratangen

What kind of information we collect

To give you the best possible user experience, we collect information about user patterns.  

When using a contact form or  contact directly via email, you provide information that is collected by us. 

When an inquiry is completed, mail and communication are deleted, unless something special indicates that correspondence should be stored. 

In cases where you try to find the right person to respond to an inquiry, your email can be forwarded to the right person.  

You can contact us by email at any time to delete your inquiry.  


We do not allow copying of images or text from our website.  

Update of privacy statement

We reserve the right to change the privacy statement. 

Any changes will be applied immediately after posting on the website.  


Gratanglaks AS uses's analysis tool to analyze how users use the site. 

This information is only used internally in the company to be able to adapt the site better to consumers.  



Kystens Hus - 2nd floor

Stortorget 1, 9008 Tromsø

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 10:00 - 16:00

Free entrance

Contact info


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